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It's the most wonderful time of the year, except for COVID

  • December 11, 2020
  • 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • Zoom

Registration is closed

Join us for a networking get-together via zoom to discuss how the change in this year's holiday season is surfacing in our practices and within our own lives.  With traditions being overturned for masks and sanitizer, how are we as clinicians dealing with these changes and how can we help our clients?  We hope to see you on Friday December 11th via zoom for some discussion and support around this topic.  Have a snack and drink of choice nearby and we can celebrate and support one another all at the same time (the 2020 way!). Feel free to pop in or out of the meeting as your schedule demands.

Some questions for us to consider together:

* How are you personally handling changes in holiday traditions? 

* What have folks found to help with supporting clients who are distressed about not being able to see family?

* What other issues or fears have you seen come up for yourselves or clients?

And please respond with other questions you would like to address. We look forward to seeing you.

PPC Board


Private Practice Colloquium, Inc.
49 Elmwood Road 

PO  Box 281

Swampscott, MA 01907
